Eating Tips Programs Families Communities

Healthy Families

Some people commonly think that healthier foods are expensive and therefore avoid shopping for “those types of food,” but it isn’t terribly hard to eat healthy on a budget. In fact, kids and even you may not even notice the small changes that make a large difference. Some small tips:

  • Buy in bulk. In the long run, you will save money buying things in larger quantity therefore saving you money instead of having to run to the store and buy an item more often for more money.
  • Buy 1% or non-fat milk instead of whole milks.
  • Buy whole wheat breads instead of white bread.
  • Try different alternative recipes and snacks for parties like dipping trays, especially for kids.
  • Plan meals far ahead of time for family dinners and get together.
  • Serve smaller servings that are more age appropriate, which will save you from more waste later.
  • Buy fruits and vegetables while they’re in season. They can be just as inexpensive as canned or frozen food during this time. If they aren’t in season, canned and frozen fruits and vegetables can much nutrition as an alternative.

Healthy Kids are Happy Kids

When it comes to kids and making them eat healthier, it can be a tricky job. According to the Let’s Move! Childcare website, a child will sometimes reject a food 20 times before finally accepting it. In all honesty though, they may not even notice small changes in their diet. The more variety you have when trying healthier foods though, the more likely they’ll learn to love this new trend. As a parents, caregiver, or over all role model, it’s important that you also participate and stay positive about it and keep everyone involved. Kids are more likely to eat if you allow them to help with easier snacks, set out certain snacks and let them choose what they put on their plate. It makes setting up dinner a little less stressful on top of that!

Having a variety also allows them to learn and explore their taste range and can be an educational experience. You can take this time to take your child to a Farmer’s Market and learn about foods and how they’re made. Schools in the area, such as one elementary school in Coeur d’Alene have grown gardens on their play grounds that students can learn from. With all this opportunity, you can make eating fun!

So why not try some of these methods in your own home?

  • Steer clear of fry foods.
  • Forget about the “Clean Plate Policy,” it’s important to eat until you’re comfortably full instead of over eating.
  • Food should not be used as punishment or rewards. Don’t bribe a child with cake to finish their veggies. Otherwise they’re seeing eating veggies as punishment and desert as a reward.
  • Tell your kids the difference between “sometimes” foods, like cookies, cakes, and other sugary products, compared to “anytime” foods like fruits, yogurt, and other healthier alternatives.
  • Always allow yourself and kids to drink water! It’s important to stay hydrated!
  • Try to have family dinners. Family dinners help establish family morals and habits.
  • Make family meals comfortable just to socialize and talk.

Try out different recipes, tricks, and learn more to get a feel on what works best for you and your family!